Friday, February 27, 2009

More than just walking tall

Posture is everything. People have been saying that to me my whole life. I am not just realizing that they have been right all along, rather I am giving thought to what standing tall can really do for you. It isn't enough to just be tall, you need to stand tall. I have been observing people and concluded that posture makes your clothes look nicer, more polished. Posture makes your face look and body look more regal and in turn more attractive. To get that modelesque gate not only do you need your shoulders back, but try pushing your pelvis forward. Your pelvis being forward keeps your tummy flat, and keeps your back straight. One of those little things that makes a huge difference.

a diet of sorts

Sometimes we reach a point where enough is enough. Step back, re-evaluate. Whether it be over swiping of the plastic, too many bon bons, or too much tv, we have all be in an overindulgent state at one time or another. My spending went on a fast for a while and is now on a diet, and I am starting to see results. Results in the form of my credit card balance going down and staying there. My body is definitely in need of a diet of sorts. I refrain from calling an improved food regimen a diet, as it tends to set you up for a bit of disappointment. I tend to get overwhelmed by things going on, especially when they are not what I really want, and they always send me into a sugar frenzy. Time to shape up. If I can show some self restraint with money then surely I can keep my paws off of the sweets. Did I mention I am a pastry cook? Easier said than done. Determination holds a lot of clout in my habit forming and breaking world. Cleaning house doesn't mean that you can't have friends over for dinner and enjoy life. Eating out can still be done too. You just have to be smart about it. I made dinner last night that was wallet and waist friendly. Red snapper from the farmer's market for 3 dollars. You heard right, three dollars bought enough fish for two. Marinated with meyer lemons from the backyard and some gyro seasoning, the fish was delicious. Brussel sprouts blanched in salted water give a vitamin packed punch, while a green salad rounds everything out. The starch wasn't missed in case you were wondering. The sure fire way to put on weight is sugar, bad fats, and bread. Cut them out for a while, and you've got yourself a sure fire way to lose.

Red Snapper
1/2 cup Meyer lemon juice
1 T Gyro Seasoning
marinate for ten minutes and cook in a non stick skillet on medium heat. Use a fish spatula to flip and then carefully remove from pan

...honestly it was that simple.